Book review – Do not disturb by Michaela Wrong
ISBN: 978-0-00-823890-2
About the book
The book came out 2021 and is written by Michaela Wrong, a British journalist and author, who reported on Africa for 20+ years.
While the book has both accused of “racist stereotyping of an African people” (Link & Link) it has also been applauded for being “deeply researched” and “an extraordinarily brave piece of reporting” (link).
The book has the murder of Rwandas ex spy chief Patrick Karegeya (2014) as a starting point. From Karegeyas murder, Wrongs sharp pen draws the circles of a gruesome political landscape making hidden things visible to the untrained eye. This is a landscape where human life has little to no value and where no one gets out alive. We follow the turns in the Rwandan history that led to the 1994 genocide and forward, while we also get some background on how the books two conflicted men, (Patrick Karegeya and Paul Kagame) became the persons they became.
My thoughts
This book is VERY heavy. And the fact that it claims to be non-fictional makes it even heavier to read. Wrong skillfully navigates between the different ideals and fractions and rebel groups and armies who all belong to the same confusing net of people pushing and pulling for the power over Rwandan people.
Although I have not read anything by Wrong before, she comes a cross as very level headed, sharp eyed and brave. Sparing no one, not even her self.
Its a readworthy book if you are interested in Rwandan politics and don´t easily lose sleep when reading about cold blooded murders. I give this book 3/5